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Tea lovers among us, I will be testing these the next couple of weeks! My thoughts soon on the blog! #ortea #tealovers #tea #blogger #healthydrinks #teaforme #idonttakecoffeeitaketeamydear
Guilty pleasures! 👍🏻🍫🙌 #yummy #yummyinmytummy #chocolateandnuts #sweetlikechocolate #mmmm #blogger
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Daily go-to-work make up routine
So this
morning I was doing my make up and I figured it might be a good idea to take
you through my daily go-to-work routine. You read it well, I’m not talking
about going out or doing state of the art make up, but everyday quick and easy
make up.
Not to
brag, but every now and then I have friends on the train and colleagues tell me
my make up is always on point and that it must take a lot of time to do it in
the morning. Well, I tell them they couldn’t be further away from the truth. In
fact, I only take 15 minutes in the bathroom to do the whole chebang. I take my showers in the evening, so in the morning I only have to do
a quick wash up to get rid of the bed bugs (kidding obviously), then I brush my
teeth, put some clothes on, and do my hair and make up. All in 15 minutes!
How do I
start? I put on some day cream. I use the daily Superdefense Moisturizer by Clinique
which has an SPF 20, which comes in handy in summer. I’ve been using this
product for years now, as you could read in one of my first posts ever on this
blog, here.
After preparing
my face, I put on some Bourjois 123
Perfect Color Correcting cream, which works perfectly for hiding fatigue,
redness and age stains. I never use foundation during the week (at least not in summer) but I do think
that this comes very close. I used to use the L’oreal Nude Magique CC cream but they’ve changed the structure and
somehow I don’t like it anymore. It used to be a white creamy texture with like
little pearls in it that resolved, and once you put it on your skin, it turned brownish. I
liked this formula very much as my skin looked flawless with it, but like I said, this has changed overtime…
After that,
I take my Bourjois Healthy Balance
mattifying powder and lightly dab it all over my face with a foundation
brush. It helps mattifying my kinda oily forehead and nose, and it egalizes the
tone of my entire face.
Now the
canvas is ready to be painted on (no, just kidding!). I quickly put on some
blush to get a bit of colour on my cheeks. I am now using Max Factor Blusher in Gorgeous
Berries, which I put on lightly. I don’t have time to do the whole
contouring/highlighting routine in the morning, so this will have to do.
On my eyes,
I usually wear Maybeline Colour Tattoo
in the shade On and On Bronze. I adore
these eyeshadow creams because you don’t need any kind of brush. I just use my ring
finger, go in and dab it on my eye lids. The pigmentation of these creams is
wonderful, and the beauty of it all: they last all day and don’t crease! To
finish off, I put on my Yves Rocher Sexy
Pulp black mascara.
Now I just
need my lips done. Most of the time I glide on my Yves Rocher Grand Rouge Mauve Subtil
lipstick, but I have maaaaaany lippies, so that may vary.
And there
you have it, I’m good to go!
What’s your
make up routine for going to work? Do you have time to do the whole chebang?
*I will be sure to add some pictures later on*
*I will be sure to add some pictures later on*
This might
sound a little crazy, but I discovered a new fruit that I love very much now...
I remember
my mum eating those when I was little, and her saying I should have one when I
asked for a cookie, but I never liked them then and was always like “Yuk!”
though… yummy!
I like that
they’re hard like an apple, and they’re nice and bite-able (is that even a
Did you
know nectarines have their origin in China and that they grow on peach trees? And
that peach trees can grow peaches and nectarines at the same time?
Bet you
didn’t know that, did ya… J
Saturday morning out of the shower! Tous ensemble! #matchday #bbloggers #blogger #badhairday #makeup #instabeauty #skincare
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New blog layout! Hope you like it! #bblogger #blogger #beautyblogger #belgianblogger #newlayout #gettingthehangofit #checkitout #instabeauty
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Avoin Colorlife Fruit Fusion Bottles
Beste lezer,
Ik wil u graag laten kennismaken met één van m'n nieuwste ontdekkingen! Ik vond ze op, en kon het niet laten er eentje te bestellen. Verrast door de snelle levertijd, was ik zelfs nog meer enthousiast over dit product!
Ik leg even uit hoe het werkt! De Fruit Fusion fles is eigenlijk een ordinaire plastic waterfles zoals zovele andere die ik (en jij waarschijnlijk ook wel) al in m'n kast had staan. Ware het niet dat er in deze fles een speciale tube zit waarin je vers fruit kan stoppen. In principe dien je dus s'avonds enkel je fruit te snijden en in de tube te stoppen. De tube verdwijnt in de fles, je vult deze met water en zet ze een nachtje in de koelkast.
Resultaat 's morgensvroeg: een fles heerlijk water met de smaak van het fruit dat je erin stopte!
Ik heb het reeds geprobeerd en mijn verdict is: fantastisch! Ik was al langer op zoek naar "waters met een smaakje" maar had tot hiertoe bij de bekende merken nog niet gevonden wat ik zocht. De smaak was meestal te flauw, er was toch suiker toegevoegd, er zaten bubbeltjes in...
Maar I tell you, ik ben over the moon met deze ontdekking. Alleen al het idee dat je er je eigen gekozen fruit kan instoppen... En het staat nog eens heel trendy ook!
Alleen maar lovende woorden!
Ikzelf schafte me de roze variant aan (hoe kan het ook anders? My middle name is pink).
Wat denken jullie van deze ontdekking?
(pictures not mine, belong to their rightful owners)
The scent of these beauties though... #fresias #flowers #springflowers #flowersofinstagram #blogger
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Yves Rocher Lip Crayons
Lieve lezer, het is een publiek geheim dat ik al jaar en dag dweep met de producten van Yves Rocher. Van jongsaf ingelepeld door la mama dompel ik me nu en dan graag eens onder in de wondere wereld van mijnheer Rocher.
Het mag dan ook geen wonder wezen dat ik helemaal gek ben van de prachtige lippotloden, de Radiant Lip Crayons. Het begon allemaal vorig jaar wanneer door een samenwerking met Flair elke lezer mocht genieten van één zo'n potlood. Ware het niet dat ze vliegensvlug helemaal uitgedeeld waren en mijn gewenste kleur al vlug niet meer verkrijgbaar was...
Maar... Gelukkig kon ik me enige tijd later toch nog de Rose Sorbet aanschaffen. En of ik er meteen helemaal gek van was! Heerlijk handig in de handtas, fantastisch mooi op de lippen, en de perfecte afmaker van een glossy zomerse look! Who wouldn't love them?
Dit jaar voegde Yves Rocher nog drie tinten toe aan het al bestaande gamma, namelijk Pourpre Lumineux, Rouge Flamboyant en Rose Somptueux. Ikzelf was meteen verknocht aan de Pourpre Lumineux. Maar ben nog sterk in twijfel om ook de andere twee toe te voegen aan mijn lippies-collectie!
Wat denken jullie?
Well well, look what the mailman brought! #monsoonaccessorize #accessorize #jewelry #newdiscovery #webshopping #onlineshopping #blogger
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Oh my Dior Addict Lipstick, where art thou?
I'm sorry but I have to vent, okay... A few weeks ago, I was feeling spendy, so I treated myself to a little Dior. Went to Planet Parfum for a new Dior Addict Lipstick. Yeah, I love make up in general, but say I had to choose what I loved the most, it would definitely be lippies! I got it in the color Be Dior (shade 976). I adored it, like I always do with anything by Dior! It looked terrific! I remember walking into the office and my colleague going "OMG, you got a Dior lipstick? They are sooo good!" Hmm... So yeah, I had it... for awhile!
This is the one:
Pic by Dior for the Dior Addict Campaign
Now? I can't find it anywhere! It has been killing me lately! I've searched high and low but it's nowhere to be found! Pffff... I do remember getting ready to leave the office one night, like a week or so after I got it, and as I was putting on my coat I heard something drop to the floor. I remember looking around , but I didn't see anything so I let it go and left... I shouldn't have! Damn it, why didn't I look harder??? What if that was the day I lost it? Did it fall from my coat directly into my paper bin? Did it fall on the floor and did it roll under a cabinet or somewhere I couldn't directly see it? Those questions have been haunting me for weeks on end now... Because if so, the cleaning lady must've had her lucky day that day!
I'm contemplating getting a new one now... but I feel like it was such a waste losing my first one! *sigh* I should probably just get over it... But it's so hard!
Have you ever lost something you liked so much and afterwards felt like blah? Let me know!
Enjoy your weekend, everyone! 😜#icantwaitfortheweekendtobegin #bblogger #beautyblogger #blogger #tgif #finally
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Waar zijn die (perfect verzorgde) handjes?
Beste mensen,
22 januari 2016 is alweer aangebroken, en daar is de langverwachte winter eindelijk! Het begint kouder te worden, en vorig weekend viel de eerste sneeuw. En ik voel het sinds vorige week reeds aan m’n handen, onderarmen en gezicht... de eerste tekenen van droge huid.
22 januari 2016 is alweer aangebroken, en daar is de langverwachte winter eindelijk! Het begint kouder te worden, en vorig weekend viel de eerste sneeuw. En ik voel het sinds vorige week reeds aan m’n handen, onderarmen en gezicht... de eerste tekenen van droge huid.
Dus worden de hydraterende lotions, lipglossen en handcrèmes
terug van onder het stof gehaald! Hydraterende lotions heb ik in overvloed (en
ik ben vast niet de enige). Lippenbalsems beperkten zich vroeger bij mij tot de
Labello -collectie, maar sinds vorig jaar ben ik verknocht aan de Dior Addict Lip
Glow. Wat ’n heerlijk product is dat toch! Bizar dat ik niet op de hoogte was
van zijn bestaan vóór 2014. Ik wil nu echt niks anders meer!
Maar ik wilde het eigenlijk over handcrèmes hebben. Ook
hiervan heb ik er meer dan 2, of 3, of 4... Maar ik wil je graag mijn
favorieten voorstellen, en die zijn respectievelijk van Yves Rocher en van
Natura Brasil.
jaar en dag gebruik ik de Yves Rocher Beauté des Mains handcrème. Deze crème
bevat Arnica (in het Nederlandse dialect ook wel paardebloem of 'pisbloem' (sorry for my language!) genoemd), dat de specifieke eigenschap bezit een soort film op de huid te vormen die beschermt tegen "stoorzenders van buitenaf", en tevens ervoor zorgt dat eventuele kleine wondjes sneller gaan helen. Ik herinner me
dat ik in mijn kindertijd tijdens het spelen (en bezeren) vaak paardebloem
op een kleine wonde of zelfs over blaasjes gevormd door aanraking van brandnetels (who hasn't?) wreef om de pijn te verzachten. And it really worked! En ja, ik ben inderdaad een meisje 'van op de buiten'. :-)Deze specifieke lijn komt trouwens in allerhande (what's in a word?) soorten en formaten:
The Cold Weather Balm enriched with Shea: komt in een cute plat potje, en staat bij mij op m'n salontafel. Heerlijk om je handen eens mee in te wrijven tijdens het tv kijken. De balsem voelt dik aan en heeft een nogal vaste structuur, maar wrijft heel makkelijk open en trekt snel in de huid. Nog geen minuut later voelen je handen superzacht aan.
Ultra Nourishing hand cream: deze crème komt in tubevorm (klein of groot), en heb ik steeds in m'n handtas zitten. Ik gebruik deze dus meestal "on the go". Op de trein of op het werk... handig om steeds bij je te hebben!
Wil je ook je nagels extra verzorgen, dan heb je misschien wat aan de 2 in 1 Beautifying Hand & Nail Cream. Deze crème is relatief nieuw en zeker wel goed, maar ik vind dat de gewone handcrème naar mijn bescheiden mening ook al zeer goed z'n werk doet op nagelgebied.
En daarnaast bestaat tenslotte ook nog de SOS Clean Hands, een ontsmettende gel om je handen schoon te maken zonder zeep of water.
Leuk om weten is misschien dat deze lijn dit jaar 50 jaar (!) bestaat, en dat de handcrèmes momenteel in collector's item editie verkrijgbaar zijn!
Mijn tweede favoriete handcrème is van Natura Brasil en betreft de Ekos lijn. Deze handcrème leerde ik kennen via Birchbox (box van oktober 2015 geloof ik), en veroverde vrijwel meteen m'n hart. Met zijn metaalkleurige tube en dopje doet de crème een beetje denken aan de handcrèmes van L'Occitane. Maar toen ik deze voor de eerste keer gebruikte... Oh my... wat 'n overweldigende intense sublieme geur! Deze crème bevat vooral Castahna Oil (of Braziliaanse noten), en zorgt voor een 24u durende hydratatie, en zou daarnaast ook de nagels versterken. Maar God, nog nooit heb ik zo'n heerlijk ruikende handcrème geroken! De crème zelf is van mediumvaste structuur en is misschien wat vettiger na aanbrengen. Maar na bepaalde tijd trekt ook deze helemaal in de huid. Van z'n werking ben ik niet helemaal overtuigd. Ik denk niet dat er voor mij veel tegen de Yves Rocher handcrèmes op kan. Maar hij is zeker en vast een leuke en lekker geurende afwisseling!
Heb jij een favoriete handcrème? Kan je er aanraden? Laat het zeker weten!
Mail by Ici Paris Xl making me happy again! 😃 Keep them samples coming! #dior #adoredior #ilovedior #jenniferlawrence #natalieportman #makeuplover #makeupaddict #iciparisxl #blogger #sampletesting #ilovesamples
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On my way to get some groceries! Happy Saturday everyone! #shopshopshop #bblogger #blogger #makeupaddict #needfood
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I just finished creating a page on facebook... it's not complete yet... but please find me on:
Thank you!
Happy Newyear!
First off, happy Newyear everyone! :-)
5. Get my wardrobe sorted - Like the make up and the house above... I know it sounds like I'm a really messy person, which sometimes isn't too far from the truth to be honest, but I'm also a hoarder. I have a hard time throwing things away. So it just so happens I have things in my closet I used to wear back when I was a teenager, lol. Same with my jeans. I think I have like 20 pairs of jeans I just can't say goodbye too... It's a disaster!
Tis the month to make Newyear's resolutions, and I figured that's exactly what I should do for this next blog post. So I have written down 10 resolutions that I would like to share with you. Here they come!
1. Lose weight - Ah cliché, isn't it? A never ending struggle is what it is! Ugh! Every year starts with the same resolution. But this time, something really has to be done! Therefor, in order to really lose some weight, I'm going to try to mainly eat more healthy. I have recently discovered Hellofresh and my first box will be delivered next Saturday. I won't say too much about this yet, but basically it's like a box of ingredients and a recipe book that gets delivered at your door step. And they also have fruit boxes, which I'm really looking forward to. More on that later!
Any recommendations on healthy food, or maybe light snacks I might have to try? I'd like to hear it!
2. Spend more time on my blog - Yet another cliché, I know. It's easier said than done though. Real life does get in the way sometimes. We've all been there. But I promise to try! :-)
3. Get my make up sorted - You know when sometimes you're in a hurry and looking for a particular lipstick, and you have the colour in mind and it would fit your outfit just perfectly, but it's not in your make up bag, and you have so many handbags filled with so much clutter... But that lipstick is nowhere to be found! So you're forced to put on another one 'cause you just can't find the one you're looking for and you're already running late and are like "Damn!". That's what I want to avoid in 2016! I see so many make up corner vlogs on you tube, all with make up so neatly sorted and I get jealous of that. I'm like "How do they do that? And how do they keep everything so sorted?" I want that too! All my make up in one place, and everything right there in my reach. Goal!
4. Get the house sorted - Same way I want my make up sorted, I want our house to be neatly sorted as well. We bought our house like a year and a half ago. But I still think some things are missing. Not everything has found it's definite place yet. And I still need a lot of interior decoration to make it look a little more cosy than it already is. Like I need to select and develop some pictures to put on the walls. Some paintings wouldn't look bad either. I still need a shoe organizer. I need to finally decorate the guest room. And after all that's done, I want to have the attic properly done so I can decorate that as well, and maybe in the future move my make up corner up there.
5. Get my wardrobe sorted - Like the make up and the house above... I know it sounds like I'm a really messy person, which sometimes isn't too far from the truth to be honest, but I'm also a hoarder. I have a hard time throwing things away. So it just so happens I have things in my closet I used to wear back when I was a teenager, lol. Same with my jeans. I think I have like 20 pairs of jeans I just can't say goodbye too... It's a disaster!
6. Wear my contacts more often - Yep. I'm sometimes too lazy to put my contacts in and just put my glasses on instead. I'm really cool like that, yup! lol Most of the time I look like a school teacher! I want that changed in 2016. I'm going to take the effort to put them in and just shine more! Haha!
7. Sleep more - I don't think this resolution needs much explanation... It is what it is!
8. Say no and speak my mind more often - I'm a Taurus so that means I'm a "go along" kind of person. I'm not difficult to get along or live with at all. I'm okay with basically anything. I'm also always trying to please other people in my life. But that also means I sometimes take myself for granted in order to please someone else. More often than I should. So I've come to realise now, getting older, it's about time to finally change that and think about myself more often.
9. Enjoy simple things in life - This is something the hubby inspires me to do sometimes and I love him for that. Enjoying little things in life can sometimes be so fulfilling. Just feeling the moment and not having to think about anything else. It has to do with mindfulness too, which is also something I'm very interested in, and would like to explore more of...
10. Think less, do more! This resolution goes, more or less, hand in hand with number 8. Stop overthinking things and just go right ahead. Plunge into the deep and see how long it takes till I resurface! Solving problems only when they come up. Take risks, enjoy life!
These were my New Years resolutions for 2016. I'm sure you've made some too, everybody does. What have you decided to change or to maintain for the new year? Please let me know! I would love to hear from you. Also, if you have any tips on how to improve mine, do tell!
Bye for now!
8. Say no and speak my mind more often - I'm a Taurus so that means I'm a "go along" kind of person. I'm not difficult to get along or live with at all. I'm okay with basically anything. I'm also always trying to please other people in my life. But that also means I sometimes take myself for granted in order to please someone else. More often than I should. So I've come to realise now, getting older, it's about time to finally change that and think about myself more often.
9. Enjoy simple things in life - This is something the hubby inspires me to do sometimes and I love him for that. Enjoying little things in life can sometimes be so fulfilling. Just feeling the moment and not having to think about anything else. It has to do with mindfulness too, which is also something I'm very interested in, and would like to explore more of...
10. Think less, do more! This resolution goes, more or less, hand in hand with number 8. Stop overthinking things and just go right ahead. Plunge into the deep and see how long it takes till I resurface! Solving problems only when they come up. Take risks, enjoy life!
These were my New Years resolutions for 2016. I'm sure you've made some too, everybody does. What have you decided to change or to maintain for the new year? Please let me know! I would love to hear from you. Also, if you have any tips on how to improve mine, do tell!
Bye for now!
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